10 tips to develop pleasant personality.

10 Tips To Develop Pleasant Personality

in this blog post i am giving 10 tipsto develop pleasant personality, some people want to develop good impression towards other people, you can follow this tips to make yourself a pleasant person and get good respect from others, so lets get started,

Like people genuinely: Why we meet new people, we create image in mind about them it could be positive,negative or neutral, but you should force your mind to create positive image about that person, for that we have to train our mind to find positivity in that person,not negativity. it is not that hard, just train your brain to find positivity only.                
We must be patient with people , to irritate her by a deficiency or shortcoming should look instead to put yourself in their place . What if we grew up are the same as those as those in circumstnaces !!! Celebrate differences irritate them, Do not be so sorry.

Put Smile on Face  when you meet: When you meet your best friend , then what happens? If you smile at one another? 
Obviously smile that makes you prefer the front . The same applies to relations of every kind ; So whenever you meet someone (of course there are some exceptions ), then face bring a genuine smile , the people will love you , will be happy to meet you Kapaki grin grin in response may not be so little , and it is so let it be you have to play your part well enough.
It seemed easy enough to hear , what to do , just a slight smile is so , there are many log naturally do so ; Many people do not look at this little thing , and if you do not bring it into their practice . A smiling face is more attractive than a flat or a stern face , and to your personality is very helpful in creating attractive.
So, don’t forget to carry a sweet smile wherever you go.
 Give Attention to name:
For a man, his name all the names of the rest of the world has much importance. So when you talk to someone in the middle , keep saying his name. Of course if the person is senior to you then you must find the name with the necessary suffix or prefix.
The front to take the name as well as its importance feel and gives you more attention. And definitely he is happy that you are giving importance to his name.

Use More "You" Than 'I': Who would you prefer: to the point that his or her point of your talk?
Of course you would ... every human being before second option choose to keep yourself engaged in ... I'm so, I like that, I'll do it ... .isn't it. But you're different you "I" before the "You" Keep on.
How are you ", what do you like? , What do you do?
I bet, so people will like you more. If you do your thing, then you will talk about technology to me so I'd really like you. :)

So keep use you and talk about what that person like, and donot use "I" it feel person some how bad. 

Listen before speak: Listen before you speak, if some one telling you something listen to them ask them what they like and speak about it everything you know.
You not only have the chance to speak to the front just before, but also to hear his point of view and in the middle related to him and talk. For ex: if someone says that he is fond of walking, you can ask him what his favourite tourist destination, and
there which are nice little place.
Never the less the demand is not good listeners, be a good listener and see how your demand increases

What you say is not important but how you say is: Much more important is what you speak and how you speak. For ex. You make a mistake and you mouth speaks sorry sorry that there is no point. We are not just doing the right words use them rather than being told how to take care of that too.
Therefore, please note on your tone and body language, polite and well-mannered manner as possible and talk to people.
Here I would say that many people can relate to English speaking ability of Personality to see, while it is not, without A, B, C being the man who can become an influential personality.

Help People without thinking About Your profit: Many times we are in a situation that we can help others, but out of laziness or thinking that there's no use we do not help them. A pleasant personality of the person who is ready to help. Yes, this does not mean that you leave your important work just to help people, but if someone could serve a little time when you come anyway. Your a selfless help to others as you would not take your eyes, and you'll feel good.

Make you external appearance better: our first impression is our external appearance so we have to try to look good.
I do not mean that you go to Gym and make body, or keep beauty -parlour orbit, it simply means that you dress-up according to the occasion and personal hygiene. attention on Small things like your hair-cut, nails and polished shoe impact on your personality. 

Find What You Can Appreciate:  everyone likes appreciations, to win person's heart or to make new friends you cloud appreciate them. do not appreciate fake but do real.

be honest to appreciate someone because person will understand whether you lieing or make fun of them.

observe continuosly and keep improving:   Personality development is an on-going process. Infinite scope for improvement in all of us, so sometimes it's not Understand that the bus had to be made now Jintna improvement, but also take some time for yourself in your activities, your words to minutely observe us, what did you do, and how good you can it be that you take something thirty-Markhan understand themselves and the people in reality you do not like this thing.

 so this was 10 tips to develop pleasant personality apply them in day to day life and see improvement, make sure you leave comment :) 

Simple Ways to Increase Your Peace of Mind

Simple Ways to Increase Your Peace of Mind

1. Do your most daunting task in the morning
It’s tempting to start your day with easy tasks. Don’t. Pushing a daunting task back is like holding a glass of water in an outstretched arm. At first nothing happens, but if you do it for hours or even days, you will soon feel the stress. Do the most annoying task first thing in the morning, and enjoy increased productivity and peace of mind for the rest of the day.
2. Let go of things you don’t control
You make plans to go outside with friends. But at the last minute, it starts raining. What’s your reaction?
Some people upset and angry, and find the nearest person and start complaining to them. “It’s not FAIR that it’s raining.
That’s not going to accomplish anything – the rain won’t stop just because you throw a tantrum. *The rain doesn’t care.* So make the best of the situation. What I do in such situation is go for a quick walk in the park (because rain has its own awesomeness), or just lie in bed reading a good Terry Pratchett book, listening to the rain beating on my window.
Make the most of what you do control, and don’t worry about what you don’t.
3. Don’t worry about what others are thinking
I used to be very self-conscious about my dancing. I would rarely go out with my friends, and even if I did, I wouldn’t dance, instead just standing awkwardly by the side, because I was worried of what others would think.
Then, one day in high school, I decided that enough was enough. So the next time I went out with my friends, I just went to the dance floor, and danced like nobody was watching. And the funny thing was – nobody cared. In fact, people only liked me MORE, because I was having fun.
Don’t worry about what others are thinking of you – most likely they’re too busy wondering what others are thinking of them.
4. List 3 things you love about your situations.
Just list 3 simple things about any part of your life that you love. Like “3 simple things I love about the room I’m in right now”, or “3 simple things I love about this week”, or anything else.
This is a great technique if you’re ever bored while stuck in traffic, or waiting in the grocery store checkout lane. You can immediately transform boredom into happiness and peace of mind!
5. Walk to a window, look outside, and take a single deep breath
I got this technique from the Zen master Mary Jaksch. Just walk to a window, look outside, and then take a single deep breath, focusing only on that breath and nothing else in the whole world. This technique sounds extremely simple, but you won’t believe how much it can instantaneously increase your peace of mind.

Personality Development Tips Article 2

Personality Development Tips Article #2

here is some new personality development tips which helps you to develop your unique personality, some tips may be repeated but some content is new, enjoy reading:

Positive approach and confidence:
Positive approach and confidence are two different terms but are interrelated in many sorts. A positive approach will make one believe in them and this self belief will help a lot in achieving a difficult task. Being positive in whatever you do will skyrocket your confidence level and helps in finding better solutions even in worst case scenarios. Confidence in turn will help in making the best use of your own abilities.

Listen with intent:
Listening with intent results in a better understanding of the core point of what you listen to. Being a better listener makes the person whom you listen to feel like they are important to you and in return they will begin to value you more.

Dress up well:
Dressing up well is one of the most looked-into aspects in a corporate work culture. In order to carry yourself in a confident manner, the way you dress up yourself is important. Try to maintain a decent and professional look in your dressing by avoiding striking colors. Make sure your dress is neatly pressed and most importantly wear laced shoes. Though proper dressing alone will not improve your personality, it has a considerable amount of impact on it.

Manners are the rating scales through which people rate you as a well behaved and a respectful human being. Treat your team mates respectfully and politely. Help your colleagues in their work if possible which will earn you their respect off-stage. Cooperativeness and being considerate in manner are the qualities that help you in emerging as a Great leader in the future.

Be encouraging:
In general, we all seek for encouragement of some kind or the other while getting a work done. Despite of all our hard efforts, interest and thirst to prove, it is the encouragement which acts as an off-stage positive catalyst in reaching the goal. Your encouraging quality will help others identify you as a better team player. So, try to be motivating and encourage others and for sure you’ll get plenty of them in return.

Being social:
Socialize with your colleagues as it will help in creating an environment in which you can work comfortably in. Nobody would love a sober or an expressionless person. Having fun at work with your colleagues is no harm as it will be a rejuvenating timeout which will pedal up work to a more brisk pace. Socializing with people will help in understanding individuals and turns you adaptable towards any group.

Indulge in conversations:
General conversations will teach a lot as it usually involves topics unrelated to your work. Such conversations are the gateways for knowledge exchanges. Nobody knows about everything and so indulge in conversations and get to know more on what you know the least or on what is totally new to you. It is also important to share your own thoughts and opinions but try not to be too preachy as it would bore the other involved in the conversation.

How to be a better person everyday

How to be a better person everyday

here is 31 ways to be a better person in day to day life style. follow this 31 tips and be a better person, develop personality as better person by tommrow by reading this article.

1. Own your talents proudly.  
Your gifts matter, and the world needs them.

2. Refuse to recreate injurious behavior by those above you.
Mentor those you supervise, recognize their achievements, and treat everyone with respect. "That's the way it's always been done" is not an excuse for mistreatment.

3. Know what you don't know.
Pretending to be something you're not robs you of your ability to learn more from others who already know the ropes.

4. Acknowledge your part in any office conflict, and work to remedy it.
Honestly owning your role in any working relationship makes you a model for all those you work with.

5. Advocate for positive change.
If your office doesn't recycle, start a program. If you see too few minorities being hired, work to shift office policies.

6. Compost and recycle.
Most cities now have by-donation public composting programs. Those with backyard space can compost at home. Make sure to recycle everything you can, no excuses. The planet needs your help.

7. Buy local and organic.
Buying local decreases reliance on fossil fuels, and also benefits the environment through fewer carbon emissions. Buying organic preserves biodiversity, supports farmers who are doing the right thing and undermines efforts to genetically modify our food sources without consequence.

8. Know what's in your cabinets.
Read the labels on everything you eat and every cleaning product you own. If you can't identify an ingredient without using Google, chances are you shouldn't be eating it or putting it on your countertops.

9. Conserve resources whenever possible.
Turn off the lights when you're not in the room. Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth. Unplug your chargers when not in use.

10. Be a responsible pet owner.
That means not only picking up after your pets but also caring for your animal companions as you would for a family member. How you act here affects your entire community.

11. Listen first.
Think about it: when you want support, chances are you don't turn to the friend who only talks about herself. Listening well is a mandatory skill in healthy relationships.

12. Stop blaming.
Every relationship is a two-way street. Imagine what would happen if, instead of blaming the other party, we each investigated our own part in the dynamic, and took responsibility to shift it? Presto-chango: a stronger, healthier relationship.

13. Be the partner you wish to have.
We each reflect back our best and worst qualities in our romantic relationships. Want more romance? Be more romantic. Want a great lover? Master the art of being one. Want generous communication? Learn to communicate well and model that ideal.

14. Parent with respect and connection.
Our kids are our greatest teachers. Loving them well and parenting with good boundaries, kindness and respect benefits the entire world for generations to come.

15. Nurture and care for others ..
... and you'll get the same in return. Making soup for your sick friend or offering an ear to an acquaintance who recently lost a parent guarantees that the same support will be there for you in turn.

16. Get to know your neighbors.
Particularly in major cities, anonymity leads to loneliness and isolation. Cultivate community events in your apartment building or in your neighborhood, and participate when others do the same. Aim to be a hub of your community. The rewards are endless.

17. Seek out like-minded organizations, and contribute.
Volunteer organizations always need more help. Whatever your gifts, they're needed.

18. Be generous and polite.
Carry your neighbor's groceries in when she needs a hand. Open doors for others. Say please and thank you. These little niceties make a world of difference, especially to those with whom we interact on a daily basis.

19. Be curious and open.
Got neighbors from another nation of origin? Ask about their holidays and traditions. Got a colleague who has a slightly weird hobby? Ask what makes it so compelling. You'll gain unprecedented insights into your world and those around you.

20. Surround yourself with positive people.
We become the company we keep. Keep company with those who are optimistic, uplifting and kind, and your world will become more of the same.

21. Treat your body with respect.
It's the vessel for your experience in this life. Fill it with junk and refuse to move it, and your experience will eventually be a miserable one.

22. Examine and heal your negative self-talk.
If the things you say to yourself in your head aren't things you would say to your kids, your partner or your best friend, you've got work to do.

23. Take responsibility for offloading your own baggage.
No one can fill a void that you haven't addressed in your own history. And being a responsible partner, friend and parent means taking whatever steps necessary to make sure you don't perpetuate your negative experiences when you interact with others.

24. Practice self-love.
Got a body part you're less than thrilled with? Every day for 30 days, look at that body part in the mirror and say out loud that you love it. Look at yourself in totality and say the same. See where that gets you in a month — it's life altering.

25. Forgive yourself.
We've all done things we'd prefer to forget, and made mistakes we'd prefer not to repeat. This is a part of life! Write a letter to yourself in which you forgive yourself for past errors, and burn it. Use your energy for the future instead of the past.

26. Educate yourself.
Don't understand what's happening in another part of the world and how it might impact you? Read respected news sources, and opinion pieces in particular. Know how you and your government interact at home and in the world. And always, always consider the source.

27. Eradicate ignorance and fear.
Don't stand by silently while others make slurs or bully. One intervention can change lives.

28. Trust until you have a reason not to.
Inherent suspicion of others, our government and our world cuts us off from positive experience and connection.

29. Practice patience and compassion.
The driver who cuts you off might not be paying attention because his dad's in the hospital. The person who bumps you on the subway might be late to pick her kid up from school. Assuming the best rather than the worst of strangers who cross our paths decreases stress levels and makes us better citizens.

30. Operate from a place of inherent value.
The person who delivers your takeout or pours your coffee may be just as smart and talented as you, but their lives have led them in a different direction. Everyone has a purpose, and everyone has a mission, even when it's not apparent on the surface.

31. Love.
You need it, those around you need it, and the world needs it. Literally everyone you interact with and anyone you'll ever meet is looking for it somewhere. How can you be the change, no matter what? Practice love whenever you can. It is the biggest game changer there is.

Thank You Leave Comment about your opinions.

Personality Development Guide

Personality Development Guide

PersonalityDevelopment”. what do you mean by personality development? Is it something about how you look, or how you speak? Or is it how easily you can connect with people? Personality development is none of these. Or somewhere it is all of it. In order to survive in today’s world one needs to be smart and quick-witted all the time. It’s no longer just about how much effort you put into your work but one’s personality also has a lot to do with what one achieves. Here is some guidance:

  • Know yourself
 Obviously before you get on developing something you need to know all about it first. The same goes with your personality. One needs to start with taking a good look at themselves, analyzing their traits, the strengths and weaknesses and everything that needs to be worked upon. Don’t shy away from accepting your flaws and learn about yourself as much as you can.

  • Bring positivity in your outlook
Your thoughts and your actions both need to be positive in order to have an attractive personality. The way we think has a lot of effect on the way how we act. And if one prospers positive thoughts inside his mind then that also gives him a confidence boost and enhances their personality. Situations and circumstances in life can always be full highs and lows. But in order to adopt a positive outlook towards life, you need to find the brighter side of the things and focus on the good parts.

  • Have an opinion

Having an opinion and being able to confidently put it forward doesn’t just help making your conversations interesting but it also makes you look more influential and well informed around other people. Never shy away from projecting your opinions even if they happen to conflict with those of other people. Be well informed about all the relevant stuff in your surrounding and fell free to have opinions. It will make yourself feel important too

  • Meet new people
Meeting new and different kinds of people is a healthy step towards expanding your horizons and exposing yourself to a larger number of things. You get an opportunity to know more about other cultures and lifestyles and it significantly has a positive effect on your own personality.

  • Read more often and develop new interests

A man of very few interests has very little to talk about. But if you are well informed about things and cultivate a number of interests, more people tend to like you. You can strike up interesting conversations instead of appearing to be dull and monotonous. When you meet new people you do not have to think about what to say as you can share your knowledge or your interests and get them indulged in conversation.

  • Be a good listener
“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”  True it is. Being a good listener may not seem like but it is an important step towards achieving a more likable personality. When somebody talks to you, listen with interest and give them all the attention and importance. Maintain a direct eye contact and do not get distracted by the surroundings. It will help you in knowing a better deal about people and attending them in a better way.

  • Be a little fun
Oh yes, this is necessary! Being able to find a humorous side in otherwise terrible situations and bringing a little quirkiness of your own is appreciated by one and all. Everybody loves a person who can make them laugh and bring a funny perspective to the regular things of life. One does not need to be all serious and sober all the time but adorning your funny hat (not literally) every once in a while will turn you in to a more charming personality.

  • Be courteous

Being courteous is never out of fashion and is well appreciated and respected by everyone. Be humble and greet everyone with a smile. Never shy away from helping or supporting your peers and being available to them whenever they need you. Doing random acts of kindness will not just make somebody else’s day but it will also make you come along as a pleasing person. Also it will give your personality a confidence boost. Be humble and down to earth to your juniors and seniors alike.

  • Work on your Body Language

Body language is just as important for your personality as your verbal communication skills. It tells a lot about yourself and helps people in making accurate conjectures about you. Everything including the way you walk, sit, talk or eat leaves an impact over the people around you and having a correct body language can do wonders for your personality. Walk in an upright position with shoulders straight. Do not droop. Sit in a relaxed posture and make always eye contact while speaking.

  • Check your attire
I am not abruptly beginning to emphasize about your exterior self instead of your skills and abilities but one’s attire has an important role to play while making a desirable impression. And not just that, but it also gives yourself a confidence boost knowing that you look good and are dressed appropriately. Dress up in a decent manner and keeping your surroundings in mind. While flashy colors and too much body tattoos or piercings convey an unprofessional attitude, neatly ironed clothes make you look presentable.

  • Be yourself

Though one can always look up to other people to take an inspiration from, but you should still remain your own unique self. Each one of us is different, we have our own sets of skills and flaws and trying to be somebody else gets you nowhere and just simply backfires. Trying too hard to fit in a new group or wanting to belong should never take your authenticity and singularity away. Never try moulding into another person but instead work on being the best version of yourself.

  • Be confident

Yes, that’s the key. Being confident about who you are and what you are doing is the most important tip for personality development. Never doubt your capabilities and if there is something you need to work upon then put in all the effort so you can come over your fears and gain confidence. Read success stories or surround yourself with motivational thoughts or “encouragements” which can boost up your self esteem and help you in attaining a charming personality. Just everything you do, have faith in yourself and put in your hard work. There can be nothing more appealing in your personality than an incredible confidence.

Personality Development in LEADERSHIP


Leadership is an integral part of management and plays a vital role in managerial operations. If there is any single factor that differentiates between successful and unsuccessful organizations, it could be considered as dynamic and effective leadership. Perhaps, it would be a valid assumption to state that the major cause of most business failures would be ineffective leadership. All managers, in a way, are business leaders, even though management primarily relies on formal position power to influence people whereas leadership stems from a social influence process. However, management is an integral component of technical as well as social processes. 

A question which many a novice in Management ask and experts echo is whether “Manager” and “Leader” are synonymous terms. Are the functions of the ‘Manager’ the same as those of the Leader? Are the two roles the same? Or, are they different? If they are – are there or rather aren’t there areas of functional similarities? To what extent do they differ in direction and/or magnitude? 

A question which many a novice in Management ask and experts echo is whether “Manager” and “Leader” are synonymous terms. Are the functions of the ‘Manager’ the same as those of the Leader? Are the two roles the same? Or, are they different? If they are – are there or rather aren’t there areas of functional similarities? To what extent do they differ in direction and/or magnitude?

Before attempting to answer the million dollar question “Are all leaders managers or are all managers leaders? It will be prudent to clarify the concepts of leadership and management.

An extremely simplistic yet profoundly meaningful definition of leadership states it as the “Phenomenon of one person influencing the thinking or action or both of another person or groups of persons”.

Management has been defined in various ways by different authors. In fact, there exists almost as many definitions for management as there are authors on the topic. There is neither the scope nor the need to examine the various definitions of management in this discussion. However, two of them may be considered. One of the earliest universally accepted definitions of management considered it as the “process of getting things done through and by people”. One of the modern definitions of management describes it as “the process of ensuring effectiveness and efficiency in achieving goals or objectives”.

From the above discussion, it is clear that whenever one influences the thinking or action or both of another person or a group, he/she is a leader and the phenomenon of leadership exists. This is so irrespective of what the “influence” aims or achieves. Even if the followers are “influenced” for some antisocial activities, the phenomenon involved is leadership and the one exhibiting it is a leader. Managers have to influence their “people” for achieving organizational objectives, which, we assume, to be morally right and legally straight. So, all managers have a leadership role to play. But all that every leader does may not be very “Managerial”. In short, all managers are leaders, but all leaders need not necessarily be managers. It should be remembered that this statement is made considering the roles of “leaders” and “managers” and not with reference to any individual with a managerial title or acceptance as a leader.

Categories of leaders: Based on the functions they perform, leaders can be classified into: 

(i) Entrepreneurial 
(ii) Administrative and 
(iii) Political 

  • Entrepreneurial Leaders: As the term indicates, these are leaders who build organizations, these institution builders perform the tasks of initiation and structuring. They organize the required resources and put them in to effective and efficient use to create institutions of various sizes, nature and scope eg. Trade unions, hospitals, schools, colleges, places of worship, cultural organizations etc. Entrepreneurial leaders are highly motivated self starters who can get along reasonably well with a wide range of people with whom they can co-operate and from whom they can get co-operation. They will not be dispirited with setbacks and will not take “no” for an answer. 
  • Administrative leaders: These are leaders whose performance will be at its peak when they are put in charge of running organizations they work for the maintenance and growth of the organizations, they plan, organize, staff, direct and control the organizations which may be expected to “safe” in their hands. They ensure that right men occupy right positions and that tasks are carried out effective and efficiently. They undertake environmental scanning and do SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis, based on which they define and redefine the mission of their organizations, set targets and objectives and formulate policies and strategies. They have a clear idea of what the organization should be at present and where it should be in the future. 
  • Political leaders: By “political leaders” are meant those who act as representatives or spokesmen of their groups and strive for the redressal of the grievances of their groups in general and its members in particular. Many of them act on an ‘ad hoc’ basis not being very visible normally but appearing on the scene all of a sudden when a problem crops up, the tackling of which requires their attention. They may even leave the scene once the issue has been settled.